2024/09/16 - Xerian
C-HAD gives his perspective on the situation.
2024/09/14 - Zeta Takes a Trip
Zeta is not convinced that U'Mbra can be saved in the circumstances.
You are reading page 49.00 of The Epsilon Project, a weekly strip inspired by Amber Williams' DMFA. It is the sequel to Project Future.
Work seems to be frantic for Merlin, so we just have the cover for the next
arc. However, I did finally finish the colouring on chapter 48, page 7 so
that's something.
Hopefully we'll have an update for Zeta tomorrow, but we'll have to see
how that goes.
If anyone's interested, some kind soul has created a TV Tropes entry for Project Future. So if anyone wants to help flesh it out, that would be nice.